

Hello, welcome to the New Word Wednesdays blog, I’m so pleased you are here. Today, one year ago, I posted one short video and called it “New Word Wednesday.” The word was improvident and I was encouraged to post by a student who enjoyed my comedic stylings of explaining words she did not understand and the words that were on my word a day calendar.

After doing the show in person for weeks, she encouraged me to post it to the Internet. I asked, “Will people watch it?” and she replied, “I think so and I would.” Now, 52 weeks later and I am still posting a weekly web show about words, providing some comedy, and educating people about the word all over the world.

Today, it has been fun to see how much has changed in the show on the logistical side: a new camera, new lights, and better editing. However, the core of the show remains the same: words, comedy, and me tying it all together for the viewer.

This blog, will be a space for me to upload the videos and provide more sentences to the show. The show is only a minute long and I talk slow so there is not much room for many sentences. Luckily, with a blog there’s more room.

If you’re reading this, I appreciate it. I have been grateful for the communities that have formed on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and anywhere else. Enjoy this blog and I will see you soon.

